Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Last Minute Updates before Winter Break


Don't forget to turn in your box tops and Campbell's Labels for Education by this Friday, February 12th to be included in the school-wide Box Tops Winter Contest! 
Simply drop them both off in the Box Tops container in the Hardy Lobby.  For every $200 collected, the Hardy students will be given a prize!

$200 = Pajama Day
$400 = Wacky Wardrobe Day
$600 = Spirit Wear Day/
Crazy Hair Day
$800 = Favorite Sports Team Day
$1000 = Neon Day
$1001+ = Mr. Heitsch participates in spirit week! 

Let's get those last minute box tops and labels in for Hardy Elementary!  
Mark your calendars, you don't want to miss all the fun!!!!
  • Hardy's spelling bee will be on Wednesday, February 24th.  The District Spelling bee is scheduled for Monday, March 21st.  
  • March 3rd: The students will have a visit from award-winning author, Christine Kallevig
  • March 18th: The students will have EMAX movie curriculum enrichment during the school day
  • March 18th: There will be a Family Movie night at school
  • March 21-23rd: Science Alive will make presentations to the students in their classrooms
  • March is Reading Month and Music Concerts!