We hope that you had an exciting or relaxing break! We're in the home stretch of the 2019-2020 school year!
Thank you to everyone who sent in coins for V-Strong! Your efforts helped to raise $ 726.83!!
Coming Soon:
- 4/10: Peter Reynolds book sale! http://tinyurl.com/19hus
kydensbookorder - 4/11: PTO Meeting at 9:15am
- 4/11: Spring School Pictures (optional)
- 4/17: DQ Day 4-7pm
- 4/23: Biggby Arts Night: 4:30-6:30. Performers sign up here: http://tinyurl.com/Hardy
BiggbyPerformers - 5/2: PTO Meeting at 9:15am
- 5/2: Kindergarten and 1st grade music concerts at SLE
- 5/2: Grande Trunke Shopping Night: 7-9pm. Just in time for Mother's Day!!
s/802350300135920/?ti=ia - 5/4: Family DSO Concert: "May the 4th Be With You" - Star Wars Concert. 11am! http://tinyurl.com/DSO5
-4-19 - 5/6-5/10: Staff Appreciation Week. More information coming soon!
- 5/13&5/14: More Art Done Wright. We need volunteers. Please sign up here http://tinyurl.com/19springADW
volunteers - 5/19/19: SAVE THE DATE: Hardy PTO 5th Annual Golf Outing at Fox Hills Golf Club*
- If you're interested in sponsoring or donating to the event, please email ptohardy@gmail.com for more information.
- Online player registration: https://tinyurl.
- 6/16: Detroit Tigers Game - Family and Fathers! Kids day! https://groupmatics.
events/event/Hardyelementary2 - Coming soon: Hardy Aubrees night, The Edge, Summer pizza kit stock up