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Thursday, April 19, 2018

So much to do!

Something for everyone! 

1.  FINAL Art Done Wright for the 2017-2018 School Year! 
Several spots still available for Monday, April 23rd and a few left for Monday, April 30th from 4:15-6pm; $20 per artist. 
Proceeds have already helped purchase a drying rack.  Next up, IPADs to help integrate technology into the art classes!!

Art Done Wright Sign-Up, Click on this link

2. McDonalds Spirit Night! 

3.   Pasta for Pennies - Now - April 27th
Hardy Elementary is helping find blood cancer cures by collecting money for @The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through Pennies4Patients through April 27th.  
Your spare change can help save a life!  Please support your children by having them bring change to their individual classrooms.  
Prizes will be awarded to the classrooms that bring in the most money.  

4.  Hanging Floral BasketsPlease support the 5th grade activity fund by purchasing beautiful spring floral baskets. 
10"Basket for $15.  Many varieties from which to choose.
Orders due by Thursday, April 26th.  Delivery is Tuesday, May 1st from 4:15-6pm. 
Flyer attached.  Checks to be made payable to Hardy Elementary. 

5.   Katie Wind:  Spring Family Pictures May 5 & 6

6. Hardy Detroit Tigers Family Game Day - Sunday, May 27th at 1:10pm: Detroit Tigers vs Chicago White Sox
Go out and support the Tigers and cheer with your fellow Huskies!  
Orders due by April 27th. Please follow the link to place your order.  

Save the Dates
  • 5/3: PTO Meeting at 9:05 in Cafeteria
    • Board nominations: If you're interested in holding a PTO Board position, please fill out a nomination form and turn into the front office. 
  • 5/4: Hardy Spirit Night: Pinz from 6-8pm
  • 5/10: Hardy South Lyon Shopping night: 6-9pm.
    • Stop and Shop at Grande Trunke and Venue!  Both are giving back to Hardy! 
  • 5/20: 4th Annual Hardy PTO Golf Outing
  • 5/27: Hardy Detroit Tigers Family Game Day