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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Pizza Kits, Hoopla and Piston's tickets

Hello Huskies -

A BIG Thank you to Mel Media Group for their donation of the 2016-2017 Hardy Elementary School Directory.  It looks fantastic! Each Hardy family will receive one.

Friday, October 14th: Pizza Kit orders due!  5th grade sale profits go directly into the 5th grader's individual camp account.  K-4 sales go to the PTO general fund.  Thank you!

**Don't forget: Wednesday, October 19th! Hardy Halloween Hoopla pre-orders are due! And Piston's tickets are also due!

We are still in need of volunteer support to make the Halloween Hoopla a success.  Please view the link below.

Volunteer hours for September were nearly 479 hours!  Thank you for helping make the start of school a positive one for students and teachers!

Enjoy your week!
Hardy PTO