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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Happy Mid-Week Huskies!!

Aubree's South Lyon "Dine to Donate": Tuesday, October 11th: 4pm-close
Please help Aubrees "give back" to Hardy by eating or taking out next Tuesday. You just need to provide the flyer: either digital or paper will be accepted. A paper copy of the flyer is going home today or tomorrow.

Little Caesar's Pizza Kits
Thank you! Thank you! Please continue to sell pizza kits to family and friends.  All proceeds from 5th grade sales go to the student's individual camp account.  All proceeds from K-4th sales go to the PTO which in turn will benefit the students and teachers through events and purchases. Orders are due no later than Friday, October 14th. Delivery will be on Thursday, October 20th from 3-5:30pm. 

Hardy Halloween Hoopla Volunteers
The Halloween Hoopla committee is hard at work to create a fun event for our families on Friday, October 21st.  We need you to help make it a success by volunteering for a portion of the event.  Please review the sign-up below and help out where you can.  If the time frame listed does not work with your schedule, but you could still help out, please email  We can be flexible with start/end times. Thank you for your participation!

**Hoopla ticket pre-order forms will go out early next week**

Adopt a Reader
Lindsey Jackson, the district Adopt-A-Reader Coordinator,still needs volunteers at Hardy.  She is looking for a weekly commitment of 30 minutes or more during which you'd work with students on various reading activities.  It is a very rewarding endeavor.  If interested, please contact Lindsey at or call her at (248) 573-8300 ext. 2534.  You must have a volunteer background check on file with the district to participate in this activity.  If you have not already done so, please click the link below and submit.