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Monday, October 5, 2015

Hoopla Success!

Thank you for making the Hoopla a wonderful success!  We had a great turn out of volunteers from parents, to teachers, to community resources like the Key Club, Cheer Team, Girls Scouts, Robotics Club and many more.  The support of our community is instrumental in us being able to provide fun family activities.  The weather was not our friend but we managed to still have a great time!  Many of our teachers and staff were great sports and took some pies in the face!

Special thanks to Bagger Dave's of Novi, Dolly's Pizza of South Lyon and Novi Coffee for donating all of their proceeds to the PTO.  CARES Club did a great job with their photo bench and assisting with Communication Cafe's Cocoa Stand.  It helped to have some warm cocoa that night.