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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Author Visit - Maria Dismondy

Students enjoyed an assembly today presented by author, Maria Dismondy who discussed having a growth mindset, working hard, and never giving up! Be sure to ask your kiddos about it!

Thank you Maria.

Biggby Barista Night Success!

Our First Biggby New Hudson Barista Night

A HUGE Thank you to Mrs. Rose, the staff baristas and the excellent student performers. 
Thank you Biggby for a great night! 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Revised Save the Date: Mini Photo Sessions are Back!

Save the date, May 5th & 6th!
Mini Photo Sessions are coming this Spring
Look for the sign-up soon!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Golf Outing

We are knee deep in snow AND
planning the 4th Annual Hardy PTO Golf Outing!
 Our online registration is now open.
Get your foursome together and register today!


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday News

Hello Huskies!
Please review the details below for upcoming events/dates/fundraising opportunities.
Thanks for your support.
Hardy PTO

Due to an overworked school copy machine, the PTO is cutting down on paper sent home. 
Please consider following us on Twitter, Facebook or the PTO website.  Emails will continue to go out with the information as well.
Twitter  @slcshardypto
Blog - (enter your email to get updates) FB - Hardy PTO

Pizza Kits

Don't forget to order your kits - just in time for Mid-Winter break!!  They are an easy lunch or dinner option anytime! 
Orders due:  Thursday, February 8th; Delivery of kits at Hardy: Tuesday, February 13th; Use Hardy code: 344857; Be sure to put your student's name as the seller!
ALSO - 5th grade sale profits go directly into your individual student account for 5th grade camp!! 

Hardy Detroit Tigers Family Game Day - Sunday, May 27th at 1:10pm: Detroit Tigers vs Chicago White Sox
Go out and support the Tigers and cheer with your fellow Huskies! 
Please follow the link to place your order. 
Hardy Elementary School PTO Outing

February Discount Ski
Please click here to fill out the order form for our upcoming ski session on Monday, February 12th, at 5:00pm.  There will be a 1-hour ski lesson at 6:00pm. All orders/money are due by Thursday, February 8th.
Feel free to email with any questions.

Biggby New Hudson Barista Night: Thursday, February 22
Please join in the fun on 2/22 where Hardy staff and Hardy students will perform while you enjoy coffee or cocoa!
A portion of the sales will be donated back to Hardy if you hand in the flyer (to be emailed soon)

Box tops Contest

Please keep sending in those box tops!  They add up quickly!  Current contest runs until February 23rd.
Please make sure to write your teacher's name on the bag you turn in.

Art Done Wright - March 5 and March 12

Two more great art opportunities with Mrs. Wright.  Please see sign-up below.  $20 per person. 
Dolphin Sunset on 3/5; Sailboat Sunset on 3/12

Art Done Wright - March 2018