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Friday, April 28, 2017

3rd Annual Golf Outing

Thank you to all of our sponsors, donors, and golfers who have already signed up to support this great event!  

Please consider joining joining in the fun!  Dinner only option available if you are not a golfer! MANY exciting raffle prizes are waiting for you!! 

Online Registration:

Mrs. Rose has created a golf music video with the help of some talented Hardy students! Take a look!

We hope to see you there!
Hardy PTO

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Teacher Appreciation Week - May 1st - May 5th

Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week at Hardy Elementary. Check out the schedule below for all the fun we have planned for our teachers. You can find your teacher wish list on the Teacher Appreciation page of this blog (the link is in the right sidebar).

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Mid Week Updates

Welcome Back Huskies!  

We're on the sprint to the end of the year now that we've returned from Spring Break. 
There are still a LOT of great events and fun times to be had!  
We'll keep you posted so you don't miss any of it!  
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Hardy PTO

The Lyon Theater outing
Looking for something to do this Friday, April 14th at 1pm?  Please come to The Lyon downtown to see "Smurfs - the Lost Village" in 3D.  Tickets are $7 each and $1 per ticket will be donated back to Hardy. 
Please bring your flyer or flash the image from your phone so Hardy will get credit. 

Detroit Tigers Game
Flyers went home today about the upcoming Hardy Huskies Day at Comerica Park!  The game date is Sunday, June 4th.  Order forms are due no later than May 4th. 
**Please note that the flyer states Section 104.  It has been changed to Section 105.  No pricing change. **

Hardy PTO Golf Outing
Flyers went home this week to register for the 2017 Hardy PTO Golf Outing at Cattails Golf Club on Sunday, May 21st at noon!  This delightful golf scramble is accompanied by an extensive auction full of gift cards and prizes donated from local businesses. 
*A list of our sponsors and donors to date will be sent out soon!  
If you do not golf, please consider a sponsorship or come join in the fun by purchasing a "Dinner Only." 

Online registration is open as well:
**All funds raised go to purchases for the school including technology (Chromebooks, interactive projectors, Dot & Dash Robots), assemblies such as Science Alive, AAHOM and more**

Pennies for Patients
The Pennies for Patients fundraiser is to benefit childhood Lymphoma and Leukemia and is running from 4/10-4/28.  Please send in your coins to support this great cause! 
Thanks to Hardy's CARES Club for coordinating this special collection.  

Staff Appreciation Week
May 1st-May 5th: Please join in the fun to thank our great staff by showing them that they truly are the "Best Teachers in the World!" 
Flyers will go home next week with more information about how your student can participate!
Many thanks to Jody Shade and Melani Formisano for planning and coordinating this exciting week! 

PTO Board Nominations for 2017-2018 School Year
It's that time again...... the Hardy PTO needs your help to support Hardy's students and staff!  
If you'd like to be nominated or wish to nominate someone for a PTO Board position, please submit their name to the front office by Tuesday, April 18th. 
If you would like more information regarding the positions/responsibilities, please contact Holly Tilton at
Forms are available in the front office.

Upcoming Dates
4/15/17: No School AND see Smurfs at The Lyon - April 15th at 1pm
5/1/17-5/5/17:  Staff Appreciation Week
5/4/17:  Detroit Tigers Orders due
5/21/17:  Hardy PTO Golf Outing
6/9/17: Hardy Backyard Party: 5:30-8:30 (end of year party!)

Detroit Tiger Game

Interested in attending a Detroit Tiger baseball game? Hardy Elementary is hosting Detroit Tiger Family Day on Sunday, June 4th for the 1:10pm game against the Chicago White Sox. See the flyer below for ticket information.
Order form is due to school by May 3rd.

The Lyon Theater - Smurfs

Looking for something to do with the kids this Friday, April 14th? Look no further! The Lyon Theater is showing Smurfs - The Lost Village in 3D at 1pm. Bring the attached flyer or show it from your phone and they will donate $1/person back to the Hardy PTO. Tickets cost $7 each.