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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Message from Mr. Heitsch

Dear Hardy Families,
It is with frustration that I share out this e-mail.  People are choosing to use the Handicap parking spaces to idle and walk their children into school.  This is a major issue at our building.  I will again be in contact with Oakland County to see if they will come out to enforce this issue.  I understand that parking and space is limited but nothing should impeded the safety and well being of our students.

Thank you for your support in the is matter moving forward.

Cory Heitsch

Monday, January 25, 2016

Week of January 25-29th

Some fun things going on at the end of this week.  On Thursday, January 28th, join us as the teachers cook for us at Mongolian BBQ in Novi, from 5-9 pm.  Don't forget your flyer for Hardy to receive a portion of your bill.

Looking for something fun to do with the kids on Friday?  Come ice skating at Novi Ice Arena, from 12-1:50pm.  See the flyer below for more details.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Hardy Happenings January

Please find the January Hardy Happenings.  Lots of things to report!  

We have a another Box Top/Labels for Education contest, with the kids earning Spirit Days.  

If you are looking for activities for your kids while they are off for February 15- 19, Lifetime Fitness has some options.  Please see the flyers: February Break, Parents Night Out and January 29th no school day .

Friday, January 15, 2016

Volunteers Needed

We are back into the swing of things and are still looking for volunteers for copy crew and guided reading.  Please see the sign-up genius below.

We also have opportunities for Chairing events, like March Reading Month, the end of year event, Bus Driver Appreciation, and few more.  Contact CHEERS for more information.

Below are a some pictures of students displaying Habits of Mind.  They created these blankets to benefit other children in need.  Awesome job Hardy Huskies!!!!