Message from Mr. Heitsch
Dear Hardy Families,
It is with frustration that I share out this e-mail. People are choosing to use the Handicap parking spaces to idle and walk their children into school. This is a major issue at our building. I will again be in contact with Oakland County to see if they will come out to enforce this issue. I understand that parking and space is limited but nothing should impeded the safety and well being of our students.
Thank you for your support in the is matter moving forward.
Cory Heitsch
It is with frustration that I share out this e-mail. People are choosing to use the Handicap parking spaces to idle and walk their children into school. This is a major issue at our building. I will again be in contact with Oakland County to see if they will come out to enforce this issue. I understand that parking and space is limited but nothing should impeded the safety and well being of our students.
Thank you for your support in the is matter moving forward.
Cory Heitsch